-The nutrition book that comes with the DVDs tells you that it is smart to eat 5 meals a day because you are burning so many calories.
-5 minutes into the workout you are sweating like faucet.
-Even the amazingly in-shape people in the video are dog nasty tired and sweating like a faucet 5 minutes in to the workout.
-A friend came to watch us to the workout tonight and before it started he was making fun a little bit and saying about how he does his own workout and he doesn't need a video to tell him what to do. But after about 4 minutes he changed his mood. The rest of the video he was talking about how hard it looked, how much it must stink to do it, and how he was going to be there tomorrow doing it with us.
-By the end of the workout the floor beneath you is wet from sweat and it's hard to make fluid movements for a good 10 minutes.