When I was in middle school I went to a private school called Canyon Creek Christian Academy. I made some wonderful friends that I have to this day, but even still, I was terrified of how people saw me.
For some reason I have always loved Converses. For years before I finally bought a pair, I realllly wanted them. Not in a covetous way and I didn’t sit around thinking about them, but there was something inside of me that thought that they looked really cool. Too cool for me in fact, and that’s why I never worked up the courage to do more than look at them or occasionally try them on. I wore tennis shoes. Not Converse.
Finally my senior year, now at Richardson High School, I sucked it up and got them. I just stopped caring about what other people thought of me. I liked them, if other people didn’t or thought I looked goofy in them then that was their problem. I wasn’t going to let a bunch of people decide what shoes I was going to wear. Now if they all had knives, bats and strong opinions I might have gone with them…